Date Filed: Sep 21, 2012
Court: U.S. District Court, Southern New York
Type of Case: Patent
CaseNumber: 12-Civ-7159
Status: Active
Key Attorneys
Hagens Berman has filed a lawsuit against Canon, Inc. (NYSE: CAJ) (“Canon”) alleging that a number of the company’s digital cameras infringe on a patent covering a method to reduce noise and improve image clarity in digital photos.
According to the complaint, filed Sept. 21, 2012, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, Yama Capital, LLC, (“Yama”) is the owner of U.S. Patent no. 6,069,982 (“the ‘982 patent”). The patent allegedly covers a method to reduce noise and improve image clarity in photos taken by digital cameras.
The lawsuit alleges that Canon infringed on the patent by including the underlying technology covered by the ‘982 patent in several of its digital cameras, including the following models:
· EOS-1D X
· EOS 5D Mark III
· EOS 5D Mark II
· EOS 7D
· EOS 60D
· EOS Rebel T4i
· EOS Rebel T3i
· Powershot G1X
· Powershot S100
The plaintiffs in the case have asked the court to enjoin Canon from selling products that infringe on the ‘982 patent, and award damages to compensate Yama Capital for losses due to either direct infringement or inducement to infringement.